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Governor James A. Beaver
Probably Millerstown's most notable citizen was Governor James A. Beaver, Brigadier General of the United States Army and twentieth Governor of
Pennsylvania. He was of French Huguenat and German descent, the son of Jacob and Ann Eliza (Addams) Beaver, born on October 21, 1837, in the James
G. Brandt property on Market Street in Millerstown (present home of Terrance and Stephania Crouse). The Governor's mother was born in Millerstown in
the large stone house beside Savercool brickyard).
His father was in the general merchandise and grain business in Millerstown, which was a great center of trade when the Pennsylvania Canal went
through Millerstown. He died when James was just three years old. In 1846, the family moved to Belleville but young Beaver came back to Millerstown for
some time where he attended school.
In 1852 he entered Pine Grove Mills Academy and at age 17 was able to enter the junior class of Jefferson College and graduated in 1856.
After college he practiced law in Bellefonte where he joined the Bellefonte Fencibles and became second lieutenant. If troops were necessary to save the
Union, this would be the first company called from Pennsylvania.
When President Lincoln issued his call for 75,000 volunteers to defend the nation, the ink was hardly dry before the Fenables, with Beaver as first
lieutenant were on their way. Beaver's second enlistment in the service was with the 45th Regiment from Centre, Lancaster, Mifflin, Tioga, and Wayne
Counties with Lieutenant Colonel Beaver in charge. Later, he was promoted to Colonel and given charge of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers, a
regiment made up of Centre County. During the Battle of Antietem, Colonel Beaver's only brother, Lieutenant J. Gilbert Beaver, was killed instantly at the
head of his company. J. Gilbert Beaver was also born in Perry County.
After the Battle of Fredericksburg, Colonel Beaver's regiment was ordered to the front and reported to duty to General Winfield Scott Hancock.
While protecting a needed fording of the river at Chancellorsville, Colonel Beaver was shot, the bullet going through the fleshly part of his abdomen. He
spent time in the hospital, went back to Bellefonte to recover, but was soon back in Harrisburg reporting for duty, his wound still open.
President Lincoln called for 120,000 emergency men to help turn back Lee's army but Beaver's doctors refused to allow him to rejoin his regiment and he
was given command of Camp Curtin.
Beaver was wounded twice again but always returned to service, but in the Battle of Ream's Station, he lost his leg and almost his life. On November 10,
1864, President Lincoln appointed him Brigadier General of Volunteers, by brevet, for highly meritorious and distinguished conduct throughout the
campaign, particularly for valuable service at Cold Harbor, while commanding a brigade.
His excellent military background, his character, his bravery, and his love for his mother made him an excellent candidate for Governor. After leaving the
Army, he returned to his new law firm where he won the respect and admiration of all who knew him. He was drafted by the Republican Party to run for
State Legislature but was defeated in the general election, Centre County being strongly Democratic.
In 1865 he married Mary McAllister, a daughter of his law partner. He continually refused to be a candidate for Congress. It would take pages to list his
positions of honor and trust on various committees and organizations. At the 1880 Republican National Convention, Beaver possibly gave up a chance at
the United States Presidency by declining the nomination for vice president because he knew his friends in Pennsylvania wanted him to run for governor.
In 1882 Beaver ran on the Republican ticket for governor but an independent ticket split the Republican vote and caused Beaver's defeat.
Nominated again in 1886, he was elected Governor of the State of Pennsylvania by 42,000 votes over his opponent, Chauncey F. Black. He was
inaugurated on January 18, 1887, and during his administration he passed legislation dealing with the betterment of life. It was during his term in office
that the great Johnstown flood occurred. He was Chief Marshall of President Benjamin Harrison's inaugural parade in 1889, and during the same year led
the National Guard at the Centennial Celebration of Washington's inauguration as first President of the United States. In 1888, at the first reunion of the
Union and Confederate Armies at Gettysburg, he delivered the Welcome Address.
At the time of his death in 1914, he was Judge of the Supreme Court, an office he had held since 1895.
In 1873 he became a trustee of the Pennsylvania State College in State College (Penn State) and served on this Board for 41 years. Beaver Stadium, the
home of Penn State Nittany Lions and Beaver Avenue in State College, stand today as the two most obvious memorials to James Addams Beaver.
Beaver was a very religious Presbyterian and served on many church affiliated organizations including the State Sunday School Association and the
Young Men's Christian Association. Governor Beaver died January 31, 1914 and was buried in Bellefonte. He had five children. One of the Governor's half
sisters, Mrs. Anna McDonald Eckels was a resident of Millerstown as was Mr. D. M. Rickabaugh, classmate and intimate, lifelong friend of the Governor.
Governor Beaver was the last of four Civil War Generals the Republican Party ran for Governor and was called 'one of the purest and cleanest men' in
Pennsylvania Politics. One of his last public appearances was at the Blain Picnic in 1911 when he spoke of his pride in being a Perry Countian.
Notable People in Millerstown History
Thomas Cochran
Another well-known merchant was Thomas Cochran, Thomas Preston Cochran's father. Born in Londonderry, Ireland, in 1776, he and
his three brothers were forced to flee to the United States where they bought ground in Chester County and laid out the town,
Cochransville, which still bears their name. In 1801, Thomas moved to Millerstown, taught school and engaged in the mercantile
business. In this store he kept the first tavern (hotel) in the town and operated both the store and the tavern until 1813. During the
War of 1812, he was postmaster, therefore, he couldn't enlist in the Army. In 1813, he sold the hotel but continued owning the store
until 1835, when his son Thomas Preston Cochran took over.
He and his wife were the principal promoters and supporters of the Presbyterian Church built in 1832 in Millerstown. A long time
member of the Presbyterian Church, he served for a number of years as elder of the church.
Thomas Preston Cochran was born in Millerstown in 1813, was educated in the town's schools, studied for two years at West
Nottingham Academy in Maryland, attended Cannonsburg College in Washington, PA, for three years and then studied medicine in
Philadelphia. Because of failing sight, he had to give up his preparation to be a doctor and returned home to Millerstown still
determined to be successful. He took over his father's store upon his dad's retirement and was a very successful merchant. Later, he
sold the store, bought a farm in Greenwood Township, and pursued farming as a career; eventually owning several farms. He led a
very active civic life, including County Commisioner and numerous borough and township offices.
He was married three times: first, to Miss Jane Patterson, daughter of John Patterson of Juniata County; second, to Rebecca Black,
daughter of John Black of Tuscarora Township, and third, to Hannah Maria Kauffman, daughter of Samuel Kauffman of Juniata County.
Thomas P. Cathcart
Thomas P. Cathcart, another well-known merchant of Millerstown was born in Greenwood township in 1861. The Cathcarts were
originally from Scotland and settled in Cumberland County where they accumulated a large amount of property and were highly
Thomas was educated in the Millerstown schools until age 16 when he spent three years learning a trade in Cochransville, Chester
County, and worked for eight months. In 1883, he returned to Millerstown, erected a store and built the largest and most profitable
business in the area.
He was an active Democrat, served as town councilman, and was a member of the Golden Eagle Lodge of Millerstown.
He married Lynda Holman, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Ann (Wallace) of Liverpool.
George Beaver
George Beaver was the father of the local Beavers. His younger brother Jacob was the father of James Addams Beaver who later
became Governor of Pennsylvania. Jacob died at the age of 35 and his widow remarried and moved to Centre County when James was
very young.
George Beaver purchased the Pfoutz Valley farm which has been owned by successive generations of Beavers and is now the property
of Sara Hoover, widow of Ross Beaver.
George Beaver changed politics several times. He was a Democrat until 1854, then belonged to the short-lived Know-Nothing party
and finally became a Republican. He and others published a Republican paper called People's Advocate and Press. He served as
county commissioner for one year and was elected to the state legislature in 1841.
His meticulously kept records show his close relation with his brothers in business and with his neighbors and acquaintances both in
business and in politics.